The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY REPUBLICAN. SEYMOUR, INDIANA. 7. -rriiu-- aassssra ixsTjrKcs '1 paarrrrv Trrrrr rf That Is One Secret Of The Of This Typewriter '777' w't paHs'f'S'Spfe'dai'fltachifiwitb only at a-more 4 exd In bui 1 LnLeveryJNWj-iUUUE 3) 1 7 Iitv Vr rtfv, TV TV 7 T31 FT ZS-H3 If- All the Writing Always in Sight 7 i 1 --f-nMi'' i hi i I QOMF TNRTTTTT FFATURES Card "Writing Uecimai iaDuiating, Lonaensea minng, Loior worK ana oieiiuun ...5 "1 1 1 I I -f I I ww II jrt VWillXVVA jb i 1 1 i -II. i 7 our regular correspondence machine, witnout any extra cost in auaenmenis.

BALL BEARINGS ThroudiouttVDeFar. carriage, se- r-mentrail4niportantir i he inDuil devices save vou theDnce--01 attacnmenis. And this complete machine costs no more than others which must have expensive attachments to make them complete. To buy a typewriter without investigating the L. CrSMITH BROS; would" be buying silver without looking for the "Sterling mark.

GARDNER BALL BEARING TYPEBAR SEND FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK 0)fo) IP IB) ni TfPEf dill JO) -V 7 7. ,...7... I I There will be a match game of ball Thursday and Friday with her sister, Born to Mark Mclntire and wife, a Bhiugles for Henry Tobroeke from Sey JONESVILLE. i A. R.

and Red Men joined in the exercises. After the services at the cemetery they adjourned to the court house wnereeV mour iriday. here the Fourth of AVilliam Utterbaek and Ben AVinegar have pur in "a stock of goods and v.ilt J. Wm. Samples, of Chicago, arnvea j.

nu. Vi Mrs. Anna tombs. Mr. and Mrs.

Cook, of Columbus, visit eifth eiraght erf MTsrKpt oirSptnp Hertha Wellie and Weldon Tobroeke Hortha Wei and Weldon TobrocKe km rt taZBV relatres-and friefidrat Hot.stotf tritta bis daughter, Mrs. A. J. Amcent Thur8(lay till Monday. conduct a restaurant and notions, livered a splendid address to aiarire aud hnjr Sunday.

Minnio Tidd. of Sevmour. canediieiicfiTh-4fttere8t-4n-Memorial- Day I Several-attended-the-commeaeement boy, May 23. Several of our people met at the AmeemeleMondnyd the graves of the deceased soldiers. Rev, C.

J. Kelseh filled his regular appointment at Surprise Sunday. James R. Crabb will install a lighting plant in his home in' the near future. IT Hori'stede and wife made Miss on.

Tier Mrs. Davis a nd daughter, sister, Mrs. John 'Horn Satur- seems to be increasing as the years go at Clearspring Wednesday night. dav. Iby ana mat assures us tnai wnen me Misses Mary and Lois Baker Ppent busines trip to Columbus Saturday.

We extend to Alonzo Shipley and wife our heartiest ongratulations and wish them joy and happiness through lastomrade has been mustered out and answered the final roll call that they will not be orgotten. Saturday night 'and Sunday with Misses Bessie and Mae Swengel of near Azalia, Mrs. Bertha Beckwith and children, of Columbus, spent ft ew 4ay last week with O. G. Baldwin and Henry.

Iettmer sold a horse to his BEDDINQTON. Mrs. Jennie May of Indianapolis, was the guest of he parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClintock Sunday and Monday.

Mr a T.neinrla Dpnnison Of ColumbUS. brother7 William, last LEESVILLE. Joe Hutchinson bought a horse from Jhn Steinkamn sold a mule to Henry Mrs. Bunton and oi Henry O. Allen for 145 to match one Dettmer last week for 1 Sea3ktte day last week.

Mrs. Frank Harris, of beymonr, came Sunday to visit their niauy relatives r-id Born to Walter; Hatton and wife, Fridav May 27, a on. wa beie Thursday to visit bis brother, J. Vincent. rs.

UuJjMa left Thursday, for ZiMill aBi Ratciiff Grove. Ollie Graham visited the former 'a daughter, in Walesboro Sunday. Miss Carrie Lane, of AVaymansville, failed on Miss Hazel Lind Monday. Misa Klla Arabolt, of Columbus, vis- Mrs.r lAztia Shumrayr. of lndianajt-iu Onipr Shumwav.

Miss Orpha and tamily. IrsTJ liernngvisitea Terai ive uight.Ttames were- piayea tmti- at Kfiii.i Sunday. mained till a- late hour. Ail repon a frooH time. i t.

r-i i i Mrs. Henna isecKwun, oi voiumuus, Miss Mary Entrle "and Miss Alma I visitinz her father, Orin Baldwin and here transacting business AVednesday. Roll Brewer has his tourning car remodeled again and goes to and from his work. Grandma Dowling, has been sick forrsome weaker not expected to hve but a short ROCKFORD. Brother Pierson preached here Sunday.

kiss Lottie Hatfield, of Williams, is visiting Leroy Miller and family. Edward Eckler went to Indianapolis Miss Emma Smith, of Seymour, spent Sunday" with Mrs. J2va Emily Mrs. John Metz and children speut Sunday with Mrs. Monroe.

Mrs. Stella Franklin is no better. Miss Margaret Kendall went to Bloomington Sunday to spend a few davs. Misses Christine and Matilda" Lebllne came home from Bloomington to spend a few days with their parents, Mr. and-Mrs.

AVoodford Lebline. Miss Eliza Abell is sick. Mrs. Trcker and Mrs. Kendall visited relatives here Sunday afternoon.

spent Sunday with his A pleasant sunrise was given for Miss Ida Combs Friday night, when a crowd of young people gathered at her home to remind her of her sixteenth birthday. She received several nice Mundt visited Henry Goednecke and famiiy family Sunday. Kss Baldwin is at home from Bloom- -ida-PopenhousewhoJiM beettlintton. visiting at returned home jjoildrcn 's Day will be observed here time, Monday aiternon. spent Sunday with relatives at Columbus.

Ross Baldwin and Wilbur Leving-wood returned to Bloomington Monday after a few days visit with O. G. Baldwin and daughter. Shake up that la'zy" liver J. Brace upl Cheer up! Get in tune with Mature and you'll be as happy as the birds.

Rocky Mountain TeirAnpa ing order, make you more active and energetic and "let the little sunshine in." Andrews-Schwenk Drug Co. Georee Zollman, of Medora, and Mr. Saturday. Sunday during the S. S.

Hour wun rec- Miss Amelia Dunker, of Seymour, vis-1 jtation9 and gongs; ited her parents over Sunday. The K. of P. 'a will observe Decora- ents over Sunda'y. I John M.

Lewis, of Seymour, wilLdclivet WomonaTrillp nnd Jjuu. Bolles, of Ewing, were out in Mr. Zollman 's auto near Leesville last week at night and ran out of The teK ephone was put in urn, but they had to go to Clearspring before they could get enough gasoline to take the car home. Don Plummer, of-A'allonia, was here Friday. Dr.

Thompson and sister, Josie, visited Koii at Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burns are visiting relatives at Indianapolis. Score 9 to 5 in favor of Waymansville.

Charles Morris, of Paoli, is visiting his brother, Dr. J. Harris. frank Dovers and family visited To Mr. and Mrs.

ciauae owengei, ux Reddington, May 26, 1910, a daughter. fnrV Marsh, of West Reddinc- at Oklahoma as the guests of their sis- VALLONIA. John McKinney and family near Jones- ton, is seriously ill of heart trouble. presents, Refreshments were serveu ana vi lie Sunnavv George Mcconnei, J-ncy ana w- an.t Misc rlora Wellivcr tOOK. 1 a rl( I 1 a IlAni' A Mfltl Tt if 1QUO Mrs.

Henry Allen and iTeiirv'ililleof daughter, Ma- had a cood time, L.1L I 1 1 Bllf. on business a fine automobile ride one day last week Mrs. John McClintock and Mrs. Mary Mc Cli oc kr of In dian apolis, were the Urockman and Harry Shumway, of Franklin, spent Sunday visiting in the family of W. H.

Shumwayi Mr. and Mrs.Herman, of Indianap- and Mrs. Chas. Arnholt, over Sunday. Miss Lydia and Mollie Donhorst made a business trip to Seymour Friday, Mrs.

T. J. Gore and daughter, Marguerite of Indianapolis, and Mrs Amanda Shumway, of Columbus, took dinner wita nMttl.UJhilM Several from here attended the automobile races at Indianapolis last week. Quite an interesting ball game was 'l laycd liere Sunday. lilrs.

George Marquett, of Seymour, visited in the family of Herman Prather Mondav. mour Mondaj'. Miss Gertrude Siebenbergen, was the guest of Miss Delia Hill last Thursday. Miss Hazel HiH, who has been visiting her auntjJMjra. Henry Siebenbergen and.

lauliter, at Seymour, returned borne Thursday, Mi Clkdvs A'incent left Thursday Liime shoulder is nlmost invariably caused by rheumatism of the raurtcles ship, and James F. Slade, of Vallonia, attended the G. A. Encampment at Terre Haute ''asteck JliJTf VSlLJt 'm" Tilden Smith received his new automobile Jast week. Stotx and sister went to Indianapolis last week for a visit with friends.

Ewing has secured a position in guests of relatives here aturaay uu Sunday. 1 1 and vield ouickly to the tree applica- THE TOWN CRIER Was put out of business by Printer's Ink TAMPICO. Afr and Mrs. E. W.

A'ickery, of liniment. hot only prompt and ef nne, are uuiu verjr oica. ui" fering with stomach trouble and ber mother with tubetculosis. -r- Noble Cooper and family spent Sunday with Henry Allen and family, ('harles Walters- aDd-family came up from Mitehell Saturday to visit Mrs. AValters' brother, Roll Brewer, and family.

LHenry Allen and A'irgil Pate traded farms last week. The Allen farm is on the Leesville Ft. Ritner pike and the Pate farm on Ditney ridge. John Stickles-and wife, Oscar Henderson, Clyde- Flinn and Otto Henderson visited Creed Douglass Sunday. Bloomington, visited their parents here the telegraph otnce-at-Jfc wing.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, of Croth- a rewoays. Ravmnnd Coolev was seriously in fectual, fait in no way disagreeable to Sold by aH lealerj5 SUEPRISE.

John M. Anderson purchased a new surrey last week. Vvrrv was the first to rdant 17V i jured while riding a pony Sunday even- ersville, were here for. Memorial Day. Harry Trobridge who has employment in the automobile factory came home Saturday night for a short visit Mamie Applegate, of New Castle, is 1 Thiintftrtainnent mven at the AL.

Ju. parents Saturday and bunday. vkitiagwraeJetigftayae KURTZ. mother, Mrs. Amanda Martin, at Clear- Ed Wright and wife, of Seymour, vi.4riitit jl our Mrs.

Clara Stinker and daughter, of lBdianaioTis, yisited ber parents, Mr, sues. tats -given -oy-Kwv Kelwh was V-'" VVnu Callahan and Jacob Brooks loa ed their household goods Friday and hhlubed them to Jason ville where they iunj vwwiw dianapolis. Henry Otte is erecting a granary for Orlando Rucker. Lou; Endebrock was! a buss cjaller Tajnn CotiSz'j-isittn'rhcoasinj Frank Tiemeyer, at Seymour; 'will hmke tlieir future lionie. 2ffpraibtKtwo to whets' to Howard l'erfv last week.

Price $125. Mrs. Abe Friesmi eon ti ue about Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up Ilie nerves, baiv Jsh nick headache, -prevent despond- Ir'notlA fiaitino him the She is very low I V.M" 1 1 v- A. WbrtcombHahTTather made 7 r- 7f ency and invigorate thewhole system. the family of K.

O. Rucker Sunday. business trip to Seymour Thursday. -V- IW9, AiiHorann rnmeived Word from Sold by all dealers. night was well attended, many "coming in from the The rain kept many, from attending the memorial services Sunday.

andi.Wife.JUariah. AVaskom and Wife and, daughter, of East Dri ft an Me Elf resh and J. F. Slade, of A'allonia, Bpent a Tdeasaat day Sunday, wUt -A'irgil Crockett and wife. 1 Mary Morris attended May meeting, in Washington county Sunday.

Ben Morris and his rew wet baek to his saw mill near Sidney tojMsume work again Tuesday morning. Alonzo Donovan who has been night operator here for some time, left Tuesday' for Mitchell owing to the closing of: the night offlcehere. tr. David Sturgeon and wife, of Indianapolis, are visiting the latter 's parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Ceo. AV. Humphrey. There was quite a large attendance at iU Memorial services at Fairview com- of Lod fh No.

536, will celebrate the Fourth of July here. Bills will be Out soon. Come, everybody and enjoy a Jvur UTecgrate. graves of their deceased brother Knights the second Sunday in June. AVill go to Fleetwood cemetery, near Maamee, at at the Bower new cemetery.

Everybody invited to attend. Dan Elkins has moved in with his Charley Lockenour moved to Kurtz. v- M. Spicer was at Indianapolis last week -on business, 1 Plas Deckard and Wife, of Bloomington, were visiting his sister, Mrs. A Spurgeonr AV.

II. Bower made a business trip to Brow'nstown" Saturday, Ball gnme at Kurtz Sunday: Kurtz vs. Score 8 to 3 iu favor of Ilurtz." -i4- hi. hrothe oh h. of tt le Rock, Wash; -it.

i. JtUVK i'V a vvi nt Bit mi i jr-fnrn i sh wit 1 1 1 ruodern improvements. They well woman," Tf your liver is in active, Hol-iiHters Rocky Mountain will liven ft -ttpan3 inafce yo'mow-'kciWei aile and energetic Tea or Tablets, 35c. at AndrewarSehwelik DrugtC rtr Uen ry oek weiit -1 o' Sey in our AVediiesday-wbere he bought -aa engine wliirfc ialends-t ia kti saw mill. Louis Vonstrohe; and wife visited relatives in Columbus Wednesday.

Henry A'onstrohe is doing earpenter work for Fred Otte. Wm. Trimpe and wife ansae ted bus-. iocss in Columbus Thufsday. Rev.

Baumart was a business Seymour WEST BEDDINOTON jifeanei wita- vnen ucw. wutuc. Children 's Day will be observed at the U. B. Church at 3 o'clock Sunday af ternooa, une There will be an entertainment given by-the young folk of this vicinity Children's Day, June 5th, at 7:30 p.

m. They have a tine program and will be a great feast for youug and Come out, and enjoy the evening. rf aiNTER'SINi; Will Get Euslncsi Tor YOU. We Nj JOB PRINTING. TRY US Several from here attended the straw berry and ice eream fest ival at Azalia Saturday night, Mrs.

Mary Hill, Columbus, upent 1 i etery at ErownBtown' Monday. The G. Louis' iH-urirtio auit'u a y..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.