The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

I AY, JULY 7, 1 922. SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA PERSONAL SAYS HE IIEVER SA17 ANYTHING TIM EQUALS II JGss IleleiT Danncttclle spent the day in Indianopolia. Mis Christina vent to Columbijis. this J. "White, of Cortland, trans IRONS KEEP COOL WTI1LK 1ROX1XQ T1IIS SUMMER.

-r They're guaranteed and priced, reasonably. WE DELIVER 4 The BACON ELECTRIC SHOP Thone C02 Ve Grow A Little Extry Day." acted business here today. MORE AND BETTER MILK Js wbluined from cows that are quiet and restful during milk-', iug and ocdingborii INSllfRE The 'quietness of your animals by using Dr. HESS FLY CHASER Harold Stewart made a business trip to Indianapolis today, Mrs. Anna Luck vent to Medora this morning fori a short visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ilazzard, Fort Wayne Man He Feels 20 Years -Younger And Stomach Trouble of Years Standing is mm Keddington, were guests in Seymour ttmtiimiMMit For Saturday Overcome Gives Tanlac Credit. JMrs. Sallcy Crowe, of Indianapolis, is Mrs.

Charles Hull at Medora. 7 MrsfAY- ortheast-of to rid them of (he annoyance of flics. Other Hiiiuials ti'iicfit likewise from its Get it at, 'Tnever- saw anythiug tlml'equiil the city, was a 'shopping visitor in 14 DOZEN LIEN'S AND the way Tunlac has pone after my this city today. troubles," said.C.F. Stringer, 1019 EE Mrs, O.

Malhis and daughter, Liberty Fort "for Louise, of Tunnelton, were shopping visitors here today. it has given me relief after every TONES PHARMACY ress Shirts luiiiuiuuuaiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiuuaiuiiiiuiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.ii REGARDLES of the coal strike and in-reasinff cost of fuel, we have decided. To Reduce tKe Price of co*ke $1,00 Per Ton Beginning July This will give our Customers an Ideal fuel for furnace and stove at a very reasonable price. Buy Your Winter's Supply Now! Interstate pubuc service co. thing else had failed.

Miss Margaret Kasting went to "For twelve years I Suffered from E. Indianapolis this morning for a visit with Mrs. Gus Croprodt disordered stomach and kidneys and was, almost a wreck. I jnst fprced band and collars Mrs. J.

E. Gault Trent to Mitchell this morning where she will be the down what little I managed to' eat IslanJ ere destroyed. Teu other SPLENDID STYLES. gueat of Mrs, S. B.

Yanker. ana even tnnt cnusea me to sutter were Aert)yei at Kerville Misa Faye Brown' returned to In Kme irwm iiiuigehiiou. CVerj- im. nmnnnflii In nmro thun timc-I- stooped over -my-bfrck felt i 7 rifm rriUof1 frnn," dianapolis this morning after pcnd ing several days in this city it wuuiu urcaiv 111 iwo. wasu Mrs.

Lilli Stants went to Colum u. wr man na.i me southwestern part of slate the 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 i 1 i i I I tune and was about hopeless. r- a lllliiillllllllilliUiUiillltlllillihiilililiiiiliiiiiiliiirf.lMiii.iiur bus "this morning to attend the fan-, ernl of Ms. George Dudley. iiiitiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiimuiiHiiiiiiiimiiiitiiiiiimii "But Tanlao.

has given me a rav- iinth nf rivpr Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lautzeitheiscr 1 1 -i 1 jrrH.H touur s.eep ukv Qresron nres have, done more than and bons- pf Brownstown, left this morning' for a visit with relatives in scuoomoy.

mere sure is some- nnn nnn mill un Decatur." thing wonderful about Tanlao." ber. Mrs. Martin Plump went to Tanlac is sold bv nil good drug GIVE HER A YES Efforts of Oregon fire fighters gists, adv Washington this morning where the will bo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. were centered.

on a bluze advancing on a tweuty-miie front in iiuanoK Bert Ulm. LOGANSFURT SHOPS county, llailroad, lumber and gov- Misses Mary Margaret and Clara ARE UNDER GUARD eminent forces combiited in battling Eirzabetk Greer, pYincenoes, are It Beats as it Sweeps as it Cleans. E. C. HEIDEMAN South Chestnut Street.

1 (Continued from flrat page fire without success. 1 visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. C.

Kinne, of 'Scores of snna Iters cabins and Ihis ciy. iowu. a taxi-cab iat night was logging camps have been burned. Mrs. Clyde Raeburn and daugh stoned and the windows broken.

r. ters, Madehn and Winefred, have returned from a visit with fiends at GERMANY ABOUT TO DECLARE "Most of the people taking part in that fight were sympathizers, but HERSELF A BANKRUPT Mitchell. there-were ft few strikers. Mr. and Mrs.

John McGinty rer itm 111 "ioe ngui is meter nerc. umv Complete -Collapse of Mark Has part of the men left their A turned to their home in North today after a short visit with Brought Republic to Verge of Financial Ruin. pretty targe percentage is Mr. Ford Cox. working.

This makes the men fight- Beautify Your Horn Miss Anna Holland Carter left United Presa. lug euv" uiutT iv uue me strikers al this morning for St. Louis, Mo Berlin, July 7 Germany is about so light the raiiroad. where she wUl spend several weeks Sheriff -Miller telephoned Governor to declare herself bankrupt, it was visiting relatives. McCray late last uicht for troops authoritatively announced today, Mrs.

Lucy Schultz and daughters We have plenty of flowers for porch and window boxes, flower beds, vases, etc. Flowers delivered and planted without extra charge. Seymour Greenhouses rilONE MAIJT 58. when the taxi-cab was stoned, lie Complete collapse of the mark has )f Medora, were in Seymour today had seen the vindictiveness of the I brought the republic to the verge ot snroute to Sellersburg where they two groups reach a point where a I financial ruin I 5 will spend a few days. flcht whi thrpntpnpd I Trustworthy sources continued Mrs.

Anno Coe, of Indianapolis, The governor told hint to handle the report that liermany must re went to Medora this morning where the will be the guest of her sister, the situation locally as" long as pos- tuse to pay the reparation install SATURDAY SPECIALS I TRADE WITH US AND SAVE THE' DIFFERENCE $2.00 "Orders. Those 26 2 CRACKERS. SiJccial 25c NMiiscos r. boxes 20c Cm Corn, Vl.lOc Swansdowh Cakc Flour 30c can Peaches, can 25c Grrlvun, Crackers, 5c can Peaches, can Iemon KaRle Urand Cheese Tid lb 4 30c Mflk, jmall.v. 5c Unccda Discuitsc'lxjx.

Can tall. I.emon Crackers, lb. California Hams, A9c I.nohe Rio lb: Uitgar Ciifjcd Unic Kolfcdvl)ats' 1 Brick Cheese, lb. 'Matches, boxjj. i ,4 Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter, 15c Summer lb.

Spring lb. Loose Macaroni, lb. 10c f4ose. 10c Swcngcl's Fresh Pasturized -2 Iwxes 25c little Milk Candies Candies We just can't keep- from telling you what I -a bargain our 20c pound Candy is. 1 Hoadleys Grocery Dept i tuents due Julv 15 Mrs.

'Mary llunsucker. The Wortb government will tak sible. Troops, he said, will be sent in. only as- a last resort ,1 Adjutant Generally Harry Smith was to come Mrs. Carrie Findley was called to Umpire Ctaus Cites Rules.

W. D. "Pattie" Claus, who whs a moratorium, it is announced Columbus this morning because of the death of Theodore Peek, which -Marks reached new lows on many here today to investigate the situa chief umpire at the Independence Day ball game, asks the Tribune to tion for the governor. occurred there late yesterday. exchange! today, according to advices reaching Berlin, anil German.

Mrs. S. Owen, who' has been cite the bastt bull rules in support the guest of her Mrs. C. O.

financeirs declared voluntary-bank 1 ruptcy the only solution. SHOP STRIKE AT TERRE HAUTE IS 95 F'ER CENT. EFFECTIVE of his decision which are being criticized by the base ball fans. He Robertson, at Brownstown. return to her home in Lafayette today.

Figures compiled by Union Officials UNITED STATES WILL NOT Miss Dernic Cluui, of Columbus. calls attention to rule 16,. and to section 3 of rule 61 in support of his decisions. 1 BE DRY FOR 25 YEARS Claus chief umpire-jurisdiction. over third base.

Section 3 of liula CI says concerning decision by the -chief umpire, whose position js behind the catcher, "He Khali render base decisions in jthe following instances; (1) If the ball is hit fair, with a runner on first, he must go to third base to take a possible decision," etc. Mr. claims that the runner slid past third and was put out before he was back to busc. This is the matter of judgment apon which he und the Seymour people differ in expressing their opinions. The silk industry consumes about 1,500 tons of metallic tin.

a year in 0., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. There are Read at Meeting of Strikers. B. Purkhiser, of this city, and also RufeS applies to the bat which Commissioner Haynes Estimates It of Miss Irma Pugh, who is visiting wus thrown out of the game.

This By United Press. here. Will Take This Lono to Exhaust Liquor Supplies. Terre Haute, July 7. The Mrs.

E. L. Amick and son, Joe, bat was wrapped with tape or twine near the baiting end. This rule after pccifying the dimensions of the strike of the five shop crafts of the returned to, their home in Vineen- DOC DOC DCrs entire 'Pennsvlvania feystem includ By United Press. Washington, July 7 The United bat states that it must be of hard ing all divisions is 95 per cent, ef lies yesterday after a visit with'Mr? Amick's mother, Mrs.

William ULiHMiiiii minimi ii fiTrimiTrtTfTTttfTirTTTTTrTiriTTT'T T'Tryrr'nrr "rrr rTHirrTyiriiimnmiiim I 1 ret vnirocn a I will not be dry for twenty-five years ProhibitioVi'Coiuinission-r fective, according to official figures wood "except that for a distance of from tho end, twine may compiled here today by local strik Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Davis, who er Haynes today estimated tor the ers. be wound around or a granulated substance applied to -the handle" have been spending several days lrniled Press, the form df tetrachloride and recov ers about 40 per cenjn Consumplion of pig tin for this purpose is about 000 tons. Figures obtained from very shop here the guests of Mr.

Davis' moth While the country is theoretically of the entire system were read to The- wrapping on the bat which was thrown out of the game was within er, returned to their home in Wash- drv under the prohibition amend the local strikers at meeting held ment, it cannot reach a state of a few inches of the batting end. LEE FLOATER AND ENJOY SWIMMING- Air Sizes and Colors $1.25 and $1.50 here today. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Day have re Sporting Goods. "Tho other decision which was Harry Maxey chairman of the turned home from Indianapolis publicity committee, declined to where they were called because of questioned wus the calling out of a Seymour at Ihird base.

Mr. complete aridity until all liquor supplies are exhausted. Approximately 33,000,000 gallons' of liquor' remain in federal warehouses and at the present rate; of consumption for give out the figures, saying that the Complete line of baseball supplies and fishing Cloves, mitts, bats and balls. Hods, reels, lines. -jylOd TSrunov Cigar lorv- (he death of Mrs.

Day's sister, Mrs. Rose Johnson. Claus filatc that (his man started strike on the Pennsylvania lines was from first base, made second, and Mrs. Mollie Flowers, of Chicago, medicinal purposes, it will Jrequire 95 per ccntv effective and only in a few cases were men returning attempted to make third on a safe WilliamsGarage who was called to Indianapolis be- 25 years to exhaust the supply. hiU This put.tba.

butter, at eaftfte of the death of her sister, Mrs to work after quitting outt of our wash Wards, 3," The Bee "Hive. I and under this condition gave! each. uase Rose Johnson, is here the guest of The strike at the local Pennsyl 10 qt. gulvanized puil, 20 each; Corner Third and Ewing Sts. ner sister Mrs.

Earl Day Thq Hive. -I I JNiimh ft till vania shops where men. were employed, is flS per cent, effective. IIHtf IffH I II 111 If mil UH I ItM fttf St Ml 1 1 lit II IIHHII ItMII I IH Ml tltH HI I till MIMM I MHMtl I If IMI MM IMtMttfi Miss Rose Coleman, of Chicago, Watchmakers declare was the --nuest roe Mrs: VtUmmtte 1 'o thut- a time if it watch- keeps much better Schaefer 6t this city yesterday en route to Cincinnati where she will of is wound in tne morning instead ANTHRACITE OPERATORS visit before returning home. AND STRIKERS CONFER at night, because the spring i taut throughout the day, when it is sub Miss Louise Niles of Cincinnati, ject to the most vibration.

Secretaries Fall And Davis Present who has been the guest of Miss Leoha ITunterman, "of this city, left An ice cream cako weighing .100 At Session. But Serve Merely As r-- this morning for Madison, where she pounds Was' recently served at a will Visit before returning home. banquet at Tulare, Cal. Mrs. W.

II. Doughty, of Kiefcr, By United Presa. rv was the guest of Mr. and Wabhington, July 7 la' -'on A Great Institution The Bank of England was char to conclude the preheat anthracite Mrs. Guy of this city, tered in 1094.

1 yesterday enroute to llayden where oal strike, mine opera tors and un $8 she will spend several weeks the ion leaders went into conierence; JmsaCs. guest of friends. with Secretaries Fall and Davis here 1 European who laveitirnte our for trnment jfU-e -struck by-tb C.rA." foday. conlending'parlies this city, was in Seymour todav threshed out their differences in a .1 emouncjr 01 cur raaera Bmrve Banking- Xta impUcity only Adda to it perfection; it la considered by many to ba one of tliia country' from Tipton and will go to Indianap round table discussion in which thei -She will jour Mr. Prather there government representatives assume KTaaieai inaiuuuoni.

Pi '-4 1 1 tfm where they will make their Lome. the attitude of ait. rratner aas nurcnased a groc Hope wus expressed that a basis Wi are proaA, therefore, of our membership in tola eret ortranlzatlon, Thru our customer reoelve all the benefits of this marvelous ays tern. It paya to bank with radaraJ Beserve ery store there. for final agreement might be found Dr.

and R. L. Haas and nasal at the session. FOREST FIRES ARE RAGING children, of who have been Guaranteed 10,000 Miles. We Make All Adjustments.

Prices Unusually Low. 5 TRY THEM Distributors For Jackson County. the guests of Mr. and. Mrs.

-Charles IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST Murphy, North Broadway, left yesterday, for Butlcrville, for a short Damage Estamated at Al visit and from thert will go to Cadillac, is uiece ready Has been Done Two Men Known to Have Lost Lives. of Mr Murphy. 'Just received a limited supply By United Prena. A New One. OF Seattle, July Forcxt fires raging in four sections of the! 1.1 1111 Tomorrow and Sunday." 'We will I eastern Lump, per ion.

I Raymond City Lump $7.50 ton. F'acifie northwest have caused near-1 serve a special Walnut ounuae at 'J5C; Real value 25e.T.-T -L Iy $0,000,000 damage have lak-- Central Gar a ge Auto Company 1 4 Place promptly-. while it is available. Price Confectionery. iS-M1: Jj Av.

J. en at leqst two lives. Only rains will cheek the flames which spread I Fruit jars, jar rings, with great rapidity following a lonf jar; caps, 7j tin- cans-Tbe BrollfWF1 "CrEOLTTiT. I'Jtonc 70. TTeaTofTrO.

drought. i i Two men died of burns wlu tbeir V- EVEHYOIIE HEADS THE CLASSIFIED ADS, Curjc-j t'o hi'titco at Jcib)lle u'-'l i MIIItHIMlllMiailUMIIIIMmlfltHHlltlftNttflillliftlHllHlMI'jJ.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.