The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

EIGHT SEYMOUR DAILY SEYMOUR, IND. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1944 DEAR are SUITS here at $30.00 to $37.50 and are wouderfully geed at their price! (You should see the worsteds) (They're "DeLuxe" Silvertones) And there are SUITS here at $40.00 to $57.50 and--they are nationally known for their fine quality, superb tailoring and good fit. (They're Hart, Schaffner Marx) ALWAYSand in each and every group -the fullest value! Value expressed not only in choice and select fabrics. -not only in careful and talented tailoring but also the best of fitting service- and the knowledge of having something genuinely fine. All Builds Can Be Fitted- Of Course! A STEINWEDEL6 SON Seymour's Greatest Store for Men and Boys PAINTS for Every Surface Baldwins LOANS TO WORKERS IN ALL TYPES OF INDUSTRY For Any Worthy Purpose! COME IN TODAY FOR A FRIENDLY LOAN SEYMOUR FINANCE CO.

"Off the Street. But on the W. Second St. PHONE 35 Over Kamman's Jewelry HOOPS HATTERS 208 So. Chestnut Suits Pressed While- U- Wait Stop in and use one of our private booths and have your suit Pressed While- Wait.

(GEORGE'S BATTERY SHOP BATTERIES-GENERATORS STARTERS and SERVICE 213 E. 2nd St. Phone 550 TIRE RECAPPING No Certificate Required A Auto Supply 524 E. Tipton Phone 761 TOPIE PA SUE INSURANCE AGENCY A NE I Insurance of All Kinds MAJESTIC BUILDING Phone 801 A 1 WORK CLOSE ESTIMATES Sur wiring are close and we DON'T skimp quality in work, materials, fixtures. THE AIKEN ELECTRIC CO 313 6THST.

TEL 626 Newsy Paragrafs Mrs. Annis Cross, Seymour R4, was admitted to Schneck Memorial Hospital today for medical treatment. Mrs. Florence Overfield, of Ver. non, was admitted early today to Schneck Memorial Hospital for medical treatment.

Mrs. L. R. Browning, of this city, has gone to Niles, Ohio, to be with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Owens, who is ill in a hospital there.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Woodard, Seymour R2, are the parents of a daughter, Joan Marie, born Tuesday afternoon at Schneck Mernorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Emil Sterns, 627 West Second street, are the par- ents of a son, Stephen Edward, born early today at Schneck Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Harry S. McBride, society editor of The Daily Tribune, who has been ill since Sunday, is reported to be improving at her home, 619 West. Fourth street.

Dewey Young, of Columbus, formerly of Seymour, has been elected a director of the TriCounty Life Underwriters' Association, which includes Seymour and Jackson county insurance men in its membership. Mr. and Mrs. David Roark, of Logansport, are the parents of- a son, Frederick Eugene, born early today at St. Joseph's Hospital there.

Mrs. Roark is the former -Miss June Kasper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kasper, 708 North Park street. Stanley P.

Meenach, of Madison, Boy Scout executive for the Hoosier Hills Area Council, which includes Seymour, has been appointed and has accepted the county chairmanship for the Jefferson county ration board, succeding Fred McKay, who resigned. Laval Warns French Against Aiding Allies By Associated Press. New York, April 19- -Pierre Laval, Vichy French chief of government, broadcast Tuesday night a warning to all Frenchmen a- gairnt cooperation with the Allied armies "when the invasion is launched," the Blue Network reported today. Laval declared: "Massed formations of AngloAmerican parachutists will be dropped over France, they will seek the cooperation of French Partisans and civil war will break out in France for months I have worried about the possibility of a landing." Argentina's most important metal export is tungsten, used in hardening steel. When not plastering Japs, members of 14th Air Force in China keep in and find relaxation in games of softball.

Maj. Gen. Claire L. Chennault pitches. -MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE LT.

JAMES UTTERBACK Second Lieutenant James C. Utterback, age twenty-two, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble L. Utterback, 206 Calvin Boulevard, is spending a ten-day leave here with his parents after receiving his commission; and the silver wings of a military pilot at graduation exercises at the Advanced Twin Engine Flying Training School at Blytheville, April 15.

Lt. Utterback qualified as an aviation cadet in September, 1942, in Lafayette. The winning of his commission marks the cessful completion phases of flying training--primary, and advanced. He will return to Blytheville for duty April 26. Mrs.

Thelma Pefry, 413 Mill street, has received word her husband, Sergeant Stanley Perry, has arrived safely in England. He has an army postoffice address out of New -York City. Ralph James, arrived in this city Tuesday night to visit his wife, Mrs. Ruth James, 410 East Second street, and other relatives and friends here. man James is the son of Mrs.

F. H. James, 623 Ewing street. Upon his return to the U. S.

Naval. Training Station, at Great Lakes, he will enter a specialist's school. Mr. and Mrs. James co*ckerham, 803 Hustedt street, have received a.

letter from their son, Private Sherman co*ckerham, who has arrived somewhere in Australia. He says that he has missed spring and summer this year, for they are having autumn there. Pvt. co*ckerham has an army I pentoffice address out of San Francisco, Calif. Private First Class Paul 0.

Mackey has arrived safely in New Guinea, according to word received by his mother, Mrs. Emma Mackey, 719 East Second street. Private Charles E. Ewing, husband of Mrs. Thelma Ewing, 900 McDonald street, now hrs the following address: Pvt.

Charles E. Ewing, 35811702, 1605 Service Unit, Chicago V-Mail Station, 732 West Van Buren street, Chicago (7), Ill. Staff Sergeant Robert E. Burkley has returned to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, after spending the week end with his mother, Mrs. Howard W.

Burkley, and family, of this city. Burkley in attending the Advanced Finance School at Indianapolis. Staff Sergeant Edwin H. Krumme, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles W. Krumme, Seymour R1, now has the following address: Edwin H. Krumme, 900th BaseUnit, AAF School, Orlando, Fla: Private Donald L. Lauster, husband of Mrs. Violet Lauster, of this city; Private Price L.

Aulman, husband of Mrs. Ruth Aulman, 709 Centennial street; and Private Leland E. Thomas, husband of Mrs. Velma Lois Thomas, 414 West Laurel street, have been transferred from Fort Benjamin Harrison, to a training companyat the replacement training center at Camp Plauche, La. Private Eldor Spieker, son of Mrs.

Louise Spieker, 321 West Laurel street, has been transferred from Fort Benjamin Harrison to the cavalry replacement training center at Fort Riley, Kans. It's Lieutenant (j. Robert Elter now. Lt. Etter, the son of Mr.

and Mrs. R. -B. Etter, 603 North PopJar is a pilot in the U. S.

Navv. flying fighter planes knownas "Hellcats. from the deck of a Navy aircraft carrier. Formerly When WE Finance Your monthly payments are fitted to your income so that you acquire DEBT-FREE home ownership thru small sums that are often less than rent. Look into this HOME SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N GLENN M.

KEACH, Secy. 117 W. Second Phone 705 WALL PAPER Choose Your Paper Now While We Have Plenty in Stock. Have it hung now while you can get a hanger. JONES Drug Store Joseph E.

McWilliams, above, of New York and Chicago, is pictured at Federal District Court, Washington, where he is one of 30 defendants on trial for sedition. He is the organizer of the Christian Mobilizers. an ensign, he recently arrived on the east coast following a tenweek mission at sea. His wife and infant son, of Highland Park, will join him in Norfolk, to be with him while he is ashore. Word has been received by his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Hill, of Reddington, that John William Hill, 9 is safe and well, and is somewhere in the Pacific. It had been six weeks since Mr. and Mrs. Hill had heard from their son.

Another son, Raymond Hill, SC has been serving with the U. S. Navy in Seattle, but has left for another station. Mrs. Olga Benter, Seymour R3, wife of Corporal Delbert F.

Benter, and. Mr. and Mrs. Albert: Benter, Seymour R3, Cpl. Benter's parents, have received word that he has arrived safely in England.

W.C.T.U. Lauds Action Of General MacArthur By Associated Press. Evanston, April 19-Gen. Douglas MacArthur's refusal to permit Maj. Richard I.

Bong, America's combat ace, to accept a case of Scotch whisky as reward for shooting down twentyseven Jap planes, is "gratifying," says the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith, president, also praised Major Bong, a teetotaler, for "demonstrating to the nation the value of total abstinence." It is estimated, that a pound of honey represents the life work of about 1,000 bees. The name U-boat is a shortened English form of the German "unterseeboot." MAJESTIC THEATRE TONIGHT THURSDAY Matinees Thursday JAMES A HUMPHREY DO What a scrap! Don't miss them together In THE KID NEWS MARCH OF TIME Starts SUNDAY! GRANT DESTINATIONJohn GARFIELD TOKYO VONDE A THEATER, SEYMOUR TONIGHT THURSDAY Matinee Thursday RIOTOUS ROMANCE! IT'S I Double-Date of Hilarious High SO'S UNCLE BILLIE BURKE Donald WOODS Elyse KNOX Frank JENKS A Universal NEWS- TECH.

CARTOON Starts SUNDAY! Courageous. LORETTA YOUNG ONION SETS 24c LB: SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 105 W. 2nd St. Phone 196 Red Cross War Fund Exceeds $20,000 Quota (Continued from page one) for the furtherance of the, broad Red Cross program in the war effort, it is Frank Mattox, of this city, is chairman of the Jackson County Red Cross Chapter and Glenn Empson, of Brownstown, is vice-chairman.

Mrs. Marjorie Cordes, of this city, is executive secretary with offices in the Masonic Temple here. Roosevelt Answers Plea That Rome Be Saved By Associated Press. London, April 19-Replying to a plea from Eamon De Valera that Rome be spared, President Roosevelt has told the Eire Prime Minister that the city's fate rests with Germany, while the Germans again have sought unilaterally to declare Rome an open city. President Roosevelt's message, dated April 3, was made public in Dublin today, "If German forces were.

not entrenched in Rome, no question would arise concerning the city's preservation," the President said. He asserted the Allies, "often at considerable nacrifice," have tried scrupulously to spare re-ligious and cultural monuments. The German reply was broadcast by DNB, Nazi news agency, shortly before Allied headquarters in- Naples announced heavy enemy traffic war noted moving into Rome from the northeast. The Germans suggested De Valera induce the United States and Britain to contribute toward preservation of Rome by refraining from what DNB called "senseless" air attacks. George F.

C. Miller Expires at Home Here (Continued from page one! sister, Mrs. Matilda Kasting, preceded him in death. Funeral services be conducted at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon from the Voss Mortuary with the Rev. Carl F.

Baldwin, pastor of St. Paul's Congregational Church, in charge. Burial in Riverview Cemetery. Friends may call at the Voss Mortuary after 7 o'clock tonight. A Brighter FutureMany of the new things to come after the war ends will be within your reach if you will save as you earn now.

See us about our systematic savings plan. Cooperative Building Loan Association J. ROBT. BLAIR, Secretary Office: West Second Street, Seymour National Bank Building FUNERAL SERVICES Tower Funeral Home AMBULANCE SERVICE S. F.

Tower Alfred C. Tower Mrs. -S. F. Tower Sears NURSERY DEPT.

EVERGREENS 1.79 to 5.19 Apple 98e Peach trees 89c Pear 1.49 Cherry trees 1.49 Plum trees 1.49 Flowering Shrubs 45c to 75c SEARS, AND CO. Republicans Name Warren Keynoter (Continued from page one) Boothe Luce, of Connecticut; Gov. Walter Edge, of New Jersey; Gov, Dwight Griswold, of Nebraska; Gov. Schoeppel, of Kansas; Gov. Martin, of Pennsylvania; Gov.

Dwight Green, of Illino's: Gov. B. B. Hickenlooper, of Iowa; and three senators, Wherry of Nebraska; Revercomb, of West Virginia, -and Bushfield of South Dakota. The name of Eric Johnston, of the U.S.

Chamber of Commerce, also was considered. Sen. Vandenberg of Michigan, had been the choice of the lead. Cers until they discovered he might not be named as a delegate tor the national convention. At that time they made the quick switch to Warren which brought about I his Parts selection.

of the complicated turbosupercharges used in high-altitude bombers are made by an adaption of a process used by I sculptors. NU DA PAINTS GUARANTEED HOUSE PAINTS ENAMEL WALL FINISHES Also- -DUTCH BOY WHITE LEAD LINSEED OIL- -TURPENTINE SEYMOUR HARDWARE CO. So. Chestnut St. Seymour, Ind.

Why Worry About Bills? Don't let personal matters worry you. Get a loan from us and clean up all those annoying little bills. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 106 North Chestnut St. Phone 774.

BE SURE TO INSURE General Insurance Phone 35 DON COY INSURANCE AGENCY Off the street, but on the W. Second St. Over Kamman's Jewelry Store Eugene Nelson Sanctuary, antiSemitic author and former colonel in the Army Reserve, is pictured in Federal District Court, Washington, where he is one of 30 defendants in the war's biggest sedition trial Odette Learns State College, Pa. (AP) -Miss Odette Hector, Costa Rican student of dairy manufacturing at Pennsylvania State College, picked up some first-hand knowledge of dairy products during her first week here. While picking up enough English to order at restaurants, she lived on ice cream and cake.

DRS. SHIELDS SHIELDS Dentists DR. HARRY S. SHIELDS limited exclusively to Artificial Teeth DR. SETH W.

SHIELDS Practice limited exclusively to Extraction and X-ray Ground Floor Lynn Hotel Building PHONE Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. CLOSED INSURANCE Fire And Auto J.

C. We Do "Printing That.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.