Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

a Swallows Live in Holes The blur (circled) at the right of the photograph is one of several dozen cliff-dwelling swallows which inhabit these holes just off Peone Road, east of Mead. The birds swoop in and out of their nests so News About Agriculture Visit to Australia Set by UI Wheat Breeder MOSCOW, Idaho- Dr. Warren K. Pope, University of Idaho wheat breeder, will visit Australia and New Zealand, to present paper at International Wheat 'Geneties Symposium and consult cereal research workers while on a five-week trip supported by the Idaho Wheat Commission. Pope will visit researchers in Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Adelaide and Toowoomba, Australia, and Christchurch, New Zea- Dr.

Warren K. Pope land. Not only will he consult with researchers concerning mutural problems and goals, Pope also will have the opportunity to make a arrangements for seed exchange of wheat types that might be useful in Idaho. However, the most important aspect of his trip will be to report on research work with stripe rust. The university wheat breeder is gaining widespread recognition for his work with wheat diseases.

More recently Pope has concentrated his research efforts in investigating plant resistance to stripe rust. He was led into this avenue of endeavor through his concentrated efforts to breed into wheat varieties all the world's known sources of resistance to bunt, many of the more important genes for resistance to stem rust and leaf rust, as well as various agronomic characters. In the midst of this work, stripe rust hit wheat growing areas of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. In looking over his plots, Pope realized that rapidly that the Chronicle obtain a clear picture of nests in the 50-foot-long can be seen from the road. cameraman was unable ot one.

There are nearly 100 section of the road, which Clarkston Art Votes League be on Show Prods Interest to League of Women Voters reit has published a pamphlet, entitled from Precinct to President, to encourage Idahoans to take a greater interest in political party decisions. The league's executive board met Saturday in Boise to discuss plans for the current election year. "We are planning a wider distribution throughout the state of greater quantities of our candidate information sheets than in past election years," Mrs. R. V.

Berger, league president said. BOISE (AP) The Idaho Burglars Loot Store in Colfax COLFAX, Wash. Burglars entered the Colfax IGA store sometime Saturday night with the makings of a party taken, according to Colfax Chief of Police Nolan Deputy Sheriff Howard Abbott, who investigated. Taken from the store were two cases of beer, a number of cartons of cigarettes and an unknown meat items, including T-bone steaks, ham steaks and roasts. No money was taken, the officers said.

The burglary was reported yesterday by store owner Bob Claussen. Entry was made after Claussen left the store Saturday night by prying open windows. Latah Job Scene Better MOSCOW, Idaho Haying operations and a general upsurge in busness in Latah County accounted for a total of 31 persons being placed on jobs during the past week according to Frank J. Hartstein, manager of the Moscow office of the Idaho Department of Employment. Hartstein said many of those placed on jobs were high school and college-age men.

This is the first week this summer, he said, that his office was able to place many young people in temporary summer employment. However, there are still quite a few youngsters seeking summer work, he said." At the end of the week there were 38 jobs still open. All of them were for experienced workers for full-time jobs. Openings for women included some wheat crosses were segregating for a wide range of resistance to stripe rust some reaching levels than ther parent. He watched the phenomenon in subsequent stripe rust years, and the picture became clearer.

Evidently there were many minor genes influencing, these stripe minor rust. In genes, working Pope found that they are usually but not always additive with each other. Some do little alone but become every effective in complementary interaction with certain other genes. In commenting on Pope's work Dr. Arthur M.

Finley, head of the Plant Science Department, said: "'The system of multiple genes with small increments of resistance for stripe rust as found by Dr. Pope by implications should be found for diseases and plant types and be a solution to disease situations where the breeders are running out of specific disease resistance. Hence, it is a matter of international U.S. Plans Low-Quality Grains' Sale WASHINGTON (AP)-A special program to sell qua American wheat overseas as livestock feed was announced recently by the Agriculture Department. The wheat will be made available to countries normally using the grain as livestock feed, the department said.

No export subsidies will be involved. The program will result in exports of wheat which otherwise would remain in the United States as surplus, department said. The grain will be colored with a vegetable dye to identify it for use as livestock feed. Ram Sale Aug. 3 BOISE (AP)600 rams will be auctioned off at the Idaho Wool Association annual sale Aug.

3 in Filer, the association reported. CLARKSTON, Wash. The opening of the new Clarkston at 842 will be WednesArt Center, recently established day at 1 p.m. The center is a project of the Clarkston Chamber of Commerce. Exhibits will include paintings, sculptures and collages.

For the next two weeks the center will be open on Wednesdays and Fridays. Persons wishing to enter displays may take them to the center after 3 p.m. today, Mrs. Harold Rosenberger, committee member, said. She will be assisted by Mrs.

Lynn Tuttle and Mrs. Glenn Taylor. Other committee members are Joseph Dimke, A. Thompson, Bernard Duclos and Mrs. Robert Wood.

Museum Plans to Clear Debts LEWISTON, Idaho Ambrose Alyworth, president of the Luna House Historical Society recently said there was need to raise $3,700 to clear up museum debts. Appointed to a committee to make a funds drive were Robert Newell, Mike Mitchell and Cecil Andrus. Alyworth said that the Nez Perce County commissioners have appropriated $2,500 to the museum toward next year's operating expenses. positions as a legal secretary, an executive secretary, waitresses, clerk typists, nurse aids, cooks, a presser, housekeepers other domestic workers. Men could find work as a baker, insurance salesman, aluminum installer, farm hand or janitor.

Jobless File Twenty-six persons filed for unemployment insurance during the week, Hartstein said. He added that 15 of those had been filing claims right along, but were required to file new claims due to changes in the benefit year. At the end of the week there were 60 persons continuing claims for jobless pay. A week earlier the total was 70, and a year ago, 50. In the immediate Moscow area the current total was 34 compared with 43 a week ago, and 36 at this time in 1967.

Battle Over Farm Payments Looms WASHINGTON (UPI)- new battle to clamp rigid limits on the size of government payments to individual farms is expected on Capitol Hill this week. Farm leaders in both the House and Senate hope to call up major farm bills for floor debate during the week. The legislation would extend government support programs which account for the bulk of direct farmer payments totaling about $3 billion a year. When the bills are called up, critics in both the House and Senate plan to offer amendments under which payments to individual farms would be limited to ceilings varying from 000 to $17,500. Proposals Ready Sen.

John J. Williams, was expected to revive his frequently defeated proposal to limit individual farm payments to $10,000. In the House, at least two similar proposals are expected including a "graduated payment" plan by Rep. Albert H. Quie, which would put Mead Birds Find Homes in Ground Birds' nests belong in trees, or perhaps under the eaves of houses- in the farming area east of Mead, a large number of swallows have apparently made other arrangements.

Just off the shoulder of Peone Road, a little east of its junction with Madison Road, is a 50-foot long section of creekbank dotted with holes which are homes for several dozen swallows and their newly hatched young. The birds be seen fluttering nervously can, about the area, and from darting with accuracy into one 100 niches in unwavering, the bank. A seasoned observer of the avian activity is 11-year old Chris Paulsen, Route 1, Mead, who lives with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.

J. Paulsen, on Peone Road near the nesting complex. Orofino Plans 2 New Schools OROFINO, Idaho Plans for two new schools have been sent to the State Department of Education for approval by Orofino School District No. 171. Bids for excavation of sites will be opened at the Orofino school office Thursday at 7:30 p.m.

The fall construction schedule still must approval of final building a plans, said M. L. Cassetto, superintendent. At a recent board meeting Ted Leach ch succeeded Larry Arneson chairman. Tom Vopart is the new clerk, succeeding Gertrude Richardson, who retired after serving since 1953.

Nineteen teaching positions are still open in the district. Four Orofino and one Weippe drivers' jobs also are open. Two Highways Get Sealcoat CLARKSTON, Wash. Work was to start today on sealcoating two highways in Asotin County as part of a state improvement project in Washington counties. The first will be the spreading of oil and gravel on Highway 128 in the Peola area.

When this is completed the crew will move to the Anatone hill on Highway 129, then on to Rocky Hollow for about 20 miles to the Grande Ronde River. The work is being supervised by Highway Department engineers. The contractor is Standard Paving, Spokane. Asotin Official State President CLARKSTON, Wash. Mrs.

Ople Davis, Asotin County clerk, has returned from Olympia where she was elected president of the Washington State Association of County Clerks at its annual convention. Mrs. Davis announced that association will meet in Clarkston next July 1969. the first time in the history of the clerks' organization. Thornton Man Faces Charge COLFAX, Wash.

Jerry Van Claussen, 22, Thornton, was booked at the Whitman County Jail the weekend on a non support warrant. He was arrested in Thornton by Deputy Sheriff Pat Lally. Claussen posted a $1,000 bond for his release from jail. Pros. Atty.

Philip Faris filed the information against Claussen Friday, alleging that he failed to furnish necessary food, clothing, shelter and medical attention for his 4-year-old daughter. Flip off Horse Hurts Idaho Girl SANDPOINT, Idaho Shelley Spinharney, 18, of the Sunnyside area, was hospitalized with possible hip and leg fractures and chest and head injuries after she was thrown from her horse. The horse reared, throwing Miss Spinharney, then lost his balance and fell on top of her. She is the daughter Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Spinharney of Sunnyside. A hospital spokesman said Miss Spinharney's condition is good. Cascade TV Lewiston, Channel 3 Monday 4:30, Mike Douglas. Show; 6, N.W. Newsbest.

Local; 6:10, Weather: 6:15, N.W. Newsbeat, Regional: 6:30, Walter Cronkite; 7, That Girl; 7:30, Time for Americans; 8:30, Lucy Show; 9, Andy 9:30. Northwest Family Nightbeat Affair; Reports. 10, LassiTuesday 7:55, Program Preview; 8, Captain Kangaroo: 9, Candid Camera; 9:30, Beverly Hillbillies; 10, Andy of Mavberry: 10:30. Dyke, 11, Love 11:25, 11:30, Search for Tomorrow: 11:45, Guiding Light; 12.

Bewitched; 12:30, As the World Turns: 1, Love a Many Splendored 1:30, Houseparty: 2, To Tell the Truth: 2:25, Reports, 2:30, Edge of Night; 3, Secret Storm: 3:30, Newlywed Game; Mike Uncle Jimmy's Clubhouse; 4:30. Douglas Show; 6, Northwest Newsbeat, Local; 6:10, Weather; 6:15. Northwest Newsbeat, Regional: 6:30. Walter Cronkite: Second Hundred Years: 7:30, Daktari: 8:30, International Showtime: 9:30, Good Morning World; 10. Black America: 11, Reports.

He said that the birds return to the area every spring, and hatch two or three sets of babies during the summer. "The birds plug up the backs of the holes with mud to make their nests. There are interconnecting passages between many of the nests," he said. Chris said that the swallows have the usual diet of insects, but are also adept fishers in the small stream which runs below their colony. "They swoop along about an inch above the water, and catch the minnows which swim near the surface," he said.

Mrs. Paulsen admitted that her son may be something of an authority on the birds, after watching them every spring and summer, but took a slightly different view. "We sometimes have problems because the swallows insist on building other mud 'adobe' nests under the eaves on our house," she said. Spokane Daily Chronicle, Monday, July 15, 1968. a 3 Group Plan Fire Talks at Coolin BOISE (AP) Gov.

Don W. Samuelson and a delegation of state officials headed for North Idaho today to review last year's disastrous forest fires and seek ways to prevent a repeat performance this year. An aide to Samuelson said the group would attend meetings of the Priest Lake Timber Protective Association today and tomorrow at Coolin. Four members of the State Land Board were in group. In addition to Samuelson they were Secretary of State Pete T.

Cenarrusa, Auditor Joe R. Williams and Superintendent of Public Instruction D. F. Engelking. Lt.

Gov. Jack Murphy accompanied the land board members. Legislators along were Sens. R. H.

Young, R-Nampa; David Bivens, R-Payette, and William Crutcher, D-Orofino, and Reps. William Murphy, D-Wallace; George Brocke, D-Kendrick, and Vard Chatburn, R- Albion. State Land Commissioner Gordon Trombley and Assistant Commissioner Jack Gillette also were in the group. Ernest Herman Dies in Pullman PULLMAN, Wash. Ernest W.

Herman, 48, who with his wife operated the Greyhound Bus Cafe here, was found dead on the porch of his home yesterday. Authorities said he died of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound. Deputy Sheriff Howard Abbott said a .22 pistol was found. He said Joseph Smith, who was helping his son deliver Sun. day morning newspapers, discovered the body and summoned Pullman police.

Mr. Herman was born at Colfax, June 29, 1920, and was a veteran of World War II. Surviving besides his wife are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Herman, and a brother, Edward, all of Colfax, and three sisters, Mrs.

Elvina Emerson, Pullman; Mrs. Elsie Moser, Glendora, and Mrs. Frie. da Bafus, Pendleton, Ore. The body is at Bruning's Funeral Home of Colfax.

Harvest Mishap Injures Idahoan COLFAX, Wash. -Jerry Van Brunt, 60. of Lewsiton, Idaho, is recovering at Ignatius Hospital in Colfax with a broken leg, following the first accident of the harvest season. The incident occurred at 7:40 Saturday evening at the Charles and Ellery Johnson ranch, south of Colfax. Larry Kostal, 24, of Nezperce, Idaho, was backing up a Hesson Green Pea Swather and did not see Van Brunt who was standing behind the machine.

The single rear wheel of the swather passed over Van Brunt's leg, above the knee, said Sheriff Mike Humphreys and Deputy Bob Kammerzell, who investigated. KPUL Radio 1150 KC, Pullman Tuesday Music, Reports and Features from a.m. to sign off. to all WRITERS in this area representative of a well-known New York publishing house will soon be in Spokane to interview writers. His purpose is to uncover manuscripts worthy of publication.

Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, specialized and even controversial subjects will be considered. if you have a book-length manuscript ready for publication (or are still working on it) and would like to discuss it with this executive, please telephone Riverside 7-4151, between 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M., and leave your name and address. You will be contacted, later, to arrange for a definite appointment. If you prefer, write to: Editorial Director, P.O.

Box 2119, G.P.O., New York 1, N.Y. Woman Dies After Smash Near Pomeroy POMEROY. Wash. -Ruth S. Meermans, 63, Lakewood, Ohio, died yesterday at a Pomeroy hospital of injuries suffered Saturday in a collision on U.S.

Highway 12 west of here. two car Her sister, Mildred Meermans, 74, with whom she was traveling, and Norman Boyd, driver of the other car, are hospitalized Her injuries were still undetermined early today as hospital attendants awaited the return of rays Boyd received a broken shoulder and ribs. Trooper Max Rich of the Washington State Patrol investigated the mishap. The Meermans car was westbound and Boyd was eastbound when the vehicles collided. Fete Set Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Freeman will be honored with a reception for their 50th anniversary at their St. John home July 28 from 2 to 5 p.m. Hosts will be their children, Harold J. (Ted) and Joe, St.

John; Mrs. Norman C. (Dorothy) Donaldson, Colville, and Mrs. George L. (Lois) Lunden, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and their families.

(Bill Walter photo.) Hearing at Selkirk High Tabbed: Now or Never COLVILLE, -It's now or never," says James McNally, lone, about Thursday's Joint Legislative Committee on Highways' Cross-State Highway hearing in northern Pend Oreille County. The hearing is set for 1:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose room at Selkirk High School, with State Sen. Lowell Peterson, Concrete, chairman of the hearing. A no-host lunch sponsored by the Ione and Metaline Chamber of Commerce is set for noon at Hoogy's Cafe in Metaline.

The hearing is proposed extension of the Cross-State Highway from Tigard to Metaline Falls to Sullivan Lake and over Pass Creek Pass to Priest River in Idaho. "We have been working long and hard on the extension The state highway department, though they recognized the highway would help tourism and logging, felt in their report the Post to Meet SPIRIT LAKE, Idaho The second meeting of the Spirit Lake post of AMVETS (American Veterans) will be held Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Earl Riddle Home in Spirit Lake, Idaho. Anyone with more than 180 days of active service since Sept. 16, 1940, and an honorable discharge may attend.

money could be spent elsewhere," said McNally. "It is now up to the people of this area to testify otherwise SO money will be appropriated in the coming legislature. we can start the state on constructing pieces of the highway, we will eventually see it completed. "But, if we don't get it started this time, we'd better forget it." Planning to testify are members of area chambers of commerce, the United States Forest Service, area lumbermen and loggers, sportsmen and interested persons. BOARD OF DIRECTORS AMERICAN J.

Fred Joy W. Williams, Backlund Chmn. Lloyd L. Day COMMERCIAL Jack Ernest R. Dean Heritage Alvin E.

Kelly Menher 1 Jerome C. BANK J. Dan King Kopet Thomas F. Meagher RESOURCES June 30, 1968 June 30, 1967 Werner Rosenquist Cash and Due from Banks. 708, 435.46 755, 133.26 Harold A.

Salisbury U.S. 1,785,432.63 1,317, 567.44 Philip L. Sandberg Other Securities 309.050.54 -0- James P. Seabeck 4,567,752.44 3,129,126.89 Dr. Robert P.

Shanewise Loans Other Resources. 152,793.16 103,764.58 Edward Tsutakawa ADVISORS Total Resources $7,523,464.23 $5,305,592.17 Lloyd Andrews, Chmn. Lloyd Borjessan LIABILITIES Carl Diana Deposits. $5,325, 162.86 $4,224,170.14 Leon Hall Other Liabilities. 136,840.18 57,788.56 Harold Rolph Capital 700,000.00 700,000.00 Max Tonn Surplus 250,000.00 OFFICERS 210,000.00 Undivided Profits.

111,461.19 113,633.47 Alvin E. Kelly, Prosident Total Liabilities $7,523,464.23 $5,305,592.17 Leon Hall, Vice President James D. Gibson, A.V.P. Arthur N. Oquist, A.V.P.

North 120 Wall Street- -RI 7-3071, North 1415 Hamilton Street-HU 9-4222, Spokane, Wn. Kenneth H. Morgan, A.C. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Gerald L. Sheldon, A.V.P.

2.6 a $17,500 ceiling on the payments to any one farm under the governmest's wheat, feed grain, cotton and wool programs. If any of these proposals becomes law, it would strike down a system under which some very large farms now get annual payments of $100,000 to $500,000 more and, in a few around $1 million. One compromise plan being drafted by Rep. Ancher Nelsen, would scale down payments to big operators but would not eliminate them com- pletely. Reductions Listed Under Nelsen's plan, farmers earning paymenst up to $10,000 a year would get the full amount.

Growers earning $50,000 in payments would get those qualified for $500,000 would get farms qualified for $1 million or more would get 000 plus 50 per cent of sums earned over $1 million. Also under the Nelsen plan. some money saved by cutting payments to big farmers would plowed back into extra payments to growers drawing payments of $1,000 or less. The big payments result from the basic nature of the support programs. In the wheat, feed grain and cotton programs, farmers can earn acreage diversion payments by complying with federal production controls.

They also earn price support payments on the grains and cotton grown on their restricted acreage. Under this system, the bigger farms divert more acreage and earn larger diversion payments; and they have more remaining acreage for price support payments after idling the required percentage of their land. Proposals to put a lid on payments have been beaten down regularly in recent years. But backers of the limitation now feel they have a better ever chance because of recent publicity about "contradiction" between big farm payments at time when poor people are demanding expanded relief programs. Johnson administration officials can be expected to conItinue their opposition to a ceiling on farm payments.

Agriculture Department spokesmen contend the move would keep big farmers out of the acreagecontrol programs, thus destroying the effectiveness of the programs for all farmers. Quie, on the other hand, contends the administration's fears are groundless. Whatever happens this week, Quie said recently, the era of big farm ments is coming to an end sooner or later. He predicted future payment systems would be designed only as a "social" program for small or medium-sized farmers. The Quie amendment will avoid follow.

ing the pattern of many similar moves in the past any attempt limit federal direct payments to big sugar producers. Critics have found as a practical matalter that payments-which attempts to limit normally sugar include about two $1 million payments a year would alienate a number of lawmakers who might support limits on other commodities..

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


Why is Spokane, Washington famous? ›

Spokane is the economic and cultural center of the Spokane metropolitan area, the Spokane–Coeur d'Alene combined statistical area, and the Inland Northwest. It is known as the birthplace of Father's Day, and locally by the nickname of "Lilac City".

What is the Spokane newspaper? ›

The Spokesman-Review is a family-owned, daily newspaper in Spokane, the second-largest city in Washington state and the largest northern city between Minneapolis and Seattle.

Is Spokane, Washington worth visiting? ›

Home to the largest urban waterfall and two of the largest state parks in Washington, outdoor opportunities are never far from the downtown core. Along with endless outdoor experiences, Spokane's bold art and entertainment scenes create an inclusive community.

Is Spokane, Washington a small town? ›

Spokane is the second largest city in Washington but, we boast our small town feel.

Who is a famous woman from Spokane? ›

Joanne Nail was born on 3 June 1947 in Spokane, Washington, USA. She is an actress, known for Switchblade Sisters (1975), The Gumball Rally (1976) and The Visitor (1979).

What famous person was born in Spokane, Washington? ›

Craig T.

Nelson was born on 4 April 1944 in Spokane, Washington, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for Coach (1989), The Incredibles (2004) and The Family Stone (2005). He has been married to Doria Cook-Nelson since 1987.

What is the richest part of Spokane? ›

Check Out The Top 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods To Live In Spokane:
  1. Hillyard. With a median home price of $247,955 and a median rent of $939, Hillyard is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. ...
  2. 2. Logan. ...
  3. East Central. ...
  4. North Indian Trail. ...
  5. West Hills. ...
  6. Cliff Cannon. ...
  7. Five Mile Prairie. ...
  8. Latah Hangman.

Is Spokane a wealthy city? ›

Spokane Valley, located in the eastern part of Washington, had an over 183% increase in high-income households, amounting to over 1,500 between 2021 and 2022. In 2022, the share of households earning $200,000 or more in Spokane Valley was 5.1%, compared to 1.8% the year prior.

Is Spokane more expensive than Seattle? ›

The cost of living in Spokane is generally lower than in Seattle and Tacoma. The median home price in Spokane is around $250,000, while it is over $700,000 in Seattle. Additionally, the unemployment rate in Spokane is typically lower than in Seattle and Tacoma.

Is Spokane conservative or liberal? ›

Spokane County is rather conservative for an urban county. It has voted Republican all but three times since 1948. Lyndon Johnson was the last Democrat to win a majority of the county's vote.

What is the ethnicity of Spokane Washington? ›

Spokane County is not racially diverse. Among county residents in 2021, 84.3% were white, 8.5% were of two or more races, 2.5% Asian, 2.2% Black, 1.7% American Indian/Alaska Native, 0.9% Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander. Statewide, the population is somewhat more racially diverse.

Is it cheap to live in Spokane? ›

How do Spokane prices compare to other US cities? Spokane is ranked 84 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in Spokane is 101.2% of the national average.

What is interesting about Spokane, Washington? ›

Spokane is the largest city between Seattle and Minneapolis. As the crow flies, Spokane is the largest city for 1,656 miles! Spokane is also a hub for healthcare and has the largest concentration of hospitals, labs, clinics, health education, and research in the Inland Northwest and Northern Idaho.

Why does Spokane have so many brick buildings? ›

Brick making in Spokane began around 1880, when the young city was exponentially growing in population and infrastructure. The fire that demolished much of Spokane's downtown in 1889 further increased the brick industry. The reconstruction of Spokane's scorched downtown put a serious demand on brick making.

What is the main industry in Spokane? ›

Economic development in the Spokane area primarily focuses on promoting the following industries: manufacturing (especially aerospace manufacturing), health sciences, professional services, information science and technology, finance and insurance as well as clean technology, and digital media.

Why is Spokane called the lilac city? ›

The idea to promote Spokane as “The Lilac City” came in the early 1930s when the local garden club was encouraged by community leaders to plant lilac bushes throughout the City. By 1938, there were 144 in Manito Park.


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.