Candy Store Strain Review & Info (2024)

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Indica-dominant Hybrid

CannabinoidTHC Dominant

THC19.17 - 24.33%

CBD0.5 - 0.94%


Side EffectDry eyes


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Candy Store Strain Review - A Buzz Can Last 2 Hours Straight









The Candy Store strain is a hybrid dominated by Indica, created through crossing the delicious Lemon Berry Candy OG X Ethos Cookies #16 strains.

It contains 19-24% THC and 0.5-0.94% CBD. This cannabis is known for its wild aroma, which is adored by gourmets worldwide. As for the strength of the effects, they can also impress. It is worth noting that beginners are better to be careful and start with one puff.

By the way, the strain contains the following terpenes:

  • Bisabolol
  • Caryophyllene
  • Sabinene
  • Humulene
  • Myrcene
  • Linalool
  • Limonene
  • Pinene

Appearance, Taste, and Aroma

Candy Store buds are green, heart-shaped, and sticky from many resinous trichomes. The kush has a sweet and sour berry taste, similar to candy, which, when exhaled, acquires shades of pepper. When burned, the aroma is more earthy and rich, accentuated by sweet berries and nuts.

Candy Store Strain Effects

The effect will begin with a slight intoxication, which will gradually increase and become a pleasant vibration in the body, and euphoria will envelop your mind. The weed will lull you more and more until you find yourself in a completely different dimension. But it will probably be pleasant and comfortable if you are reasonable in choosing the dose and will not exceed it. You can turn on the music you like – especially if it's electronic chill-out – and enjoy life the way you like. It is better to plan to smoke this marijuana in the evening so that you will soon be immersed in pleasant dreams.

Common Usage

The Candy Store weed strain could be used by people suffering from the following health issues. They include:

  • Stress
  • Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • PTSD
  • Lack of appetite
  • Depression
  • Multiple sclerosis

Growing Info

Growing cannabis is not an easy task. You need to take a little care and wait 48-63 days – this is the duration of Candy Store flowering. So, you can harvest in 69 days. If you are a fan of open-air growing, you will probably have a harvest of about 400 g/plant, and if you prefer to grow hemp at home – with proper care, you will get about 300 g/m2.


Tingly93% VotedEnergetic67% Voted


Spicy/herbal93% VotedFlowery53% VotedSweet51% Voted

Side Effects

Candy Store Strain Review & Info (7)

Dry eyes83% Voted

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Hunger50% Voted

Candy Store Strain Review & Info (9)

Concern33% Voted

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Candy Store Strain Cannabinoids

THCTetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is a major cannabis chemical compound. It is a psychoactive element that stimulates dopamine release and induces euphoria or happiness. THC-rich strains may be helpful with such conditions as lack of appetite, chronic pains , etc. It is considered to be the primary active marijuana component.19.17 - 24.33%
CBDCannabidiol, or CBD, is a major compound in cannabis, which is non-psychoactive. It is also proved to counteract the side effects of the second major component THC. CBD is widely used for medicinal purposes in rubs, oils and so on. It is helpful in muscle pain cases, may treat arthritis and migraines. Even Greeks used it against pain, while Queen Victoria applied it to get rid of menstrual cramps.0.5 - 0.94%
CBCCannabichromene, or CBC, is a minor cannabinoid, meaning that its quantity in cannabis is quite little. Though it has the same origin as CBD and THC, it is different in functions. Without any psychoactive effects, it is an efficient cannabis compound in combating acne and depression. CBC produces analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.0.22 - 0.54%
CBGCannabigerol, or CBG, is one of the minor cannabis compounds in adult plants. On the other hand, young ones contain a lot of this antibacterial and anti-inflammatory component. During the growth, CBG is converted into different cannabinoids, mostly THC and CBD. The compound itself increases appetite and decreases eye pressure.0.38 - 0.82%
CBNCannabinol, or CBN, is a trace element in cannabis that is considered to be mildly psychoactive. It appears from oxidation THC, exposed to light and heat. CBN is mostly contained in old cannabis and in traditional hashish. It is effective against insomnia, bacterial infections and appetite loss.0.08 - 0.24%
THCVTetrahydrocannabivarin, or THC-V, is a compound contained in cannabis in trace amounts. Even though it is close to THC molecularly, it is different in effects. This compound may be psychoactive only in large amounts. THC-V reduces blood sugar, controls appetite, stimulates bone growth, etc. African Sativa strains are the richest in THC-V.0.25 - 0.46%

Candy Store Terpene Profile

PinenePinene is one of the most widespread terpenes in nature, found in pine trees, basil, nutmeg, parsley, and rosemary. Cannabis containing terpene (alpha-pinene or α-pinene) boasts a strong pine scent. Pinene is responsible for anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anti-anxiety effects.0.05%
MyrceneMyrcene (also known as β-myrcene) is one of the most common terpenes found in cannabis, representing more than 20% of the modern marijuana terpene profile. Myrcene has a distinct earthy, musky flavor, resembling cloves. It is responsible for calming and soothing effects of weed. Myrcene is also found in hops, thyme, mango, lemongrass, guava melon.0.09%
HumuleneHumulene (also known as α-humulene) is one of the major terpenes found in cannabis, contributing to woody, earthy, spicy, herbaceous, and, mainly, floral aromas of cannabis. Used in modern medicine, humulene offers anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and appetite suppressant effects, which have been well-researched by pharmaceutical companies.0.1%
LimoneneLimonene (also known as d-limonene) is the second most common terpene in nature and the third most common terpene in cannabis. It has a powerful citrus aroma and can be found in all citruses, including lemons, oranges, grapefruits, limes, juniper, etc. Limonene is known to elevate moods and provide anxiety, depression, and stress relief.0.07%
LinaloolLinalool (also known as beta linalool, linalyl alcohol, linaloyl oxide, and p-linalool) is one of the rarest terpenes found in cannabis, mostly in small quantities. Linalool is known for its spicy and lavender aroma, bringing relaxation and calming effects. It is also said to provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can be useful for athletes.0.08%
SabineneSabinene is a terpene with a peppery, spicy, citrusy, and piney aroma, presented in Norway spruce, Holm oak trees, black pepper, cardamom, and carrot seeds. Found in cannabis in small quantities. Allegedly, sabinene has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.0.19%
BisabololBisabolol (also known as α-Bisabolol or levomenol) is a lesser-known terpene found in cannabis. It contributes to anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, antioxidant, anti-microbial, and analgesic properties of weed strains containing bisanol. Attentive smokers would be able to catch a nutty, fruity scent with herbal and floral undertones, with a tender trace of coconut.0.22%
CaryophylleneCaryophyllene (also known as beta or b caryophyllene) is a terpene found in many herbs and spices, such as black pepper, basil, rosemary, and oregano. Cannabis high in caryophyllene delivers a strong spicy, peppery aroma, resembling cinnamon and cloves. Caryophyllene offers potent anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.0.21%
Total terpenes content1.01%

Growing Info

Flowering time48 - 63 Days

Flowering typePhotoperiod

Grow difficultyEasy

Harvest time69 Days

Yield outdoor10 - 15 Oz/plant (~ 400 g/plant)

Yield indoor0.5 - 1 Oz/Ft² (~ 300 g/m²)

Height indoor30-60

Height outdoor60-80

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User Reviews 1

The Jam Room


Wow. This strain is a winner for sure. ~25 day veg and ~58 day flower in our hydro system. Grown in rockwool, used general hydro supplementing with cal-mag and some select advanced nutrients products at about 5.8ph. Super vibrant colors come out towards the end of flower that are just gorgeous. Vibrant purple hues towards the edges and tips with some good green and orange throughout. The amount of trichomes that this plant spits out on just the sugar leaves alone had us drooling over this strain during the grow. Never seen anything like it in our experience growing so far. We got ~100grams per plant, and the nugs have good density and could see this plant doing even better in more efficient setups. The real spotlight for this strain is the terps though. The sweetest, almost cotton candy smell that gets a nice skunky twang to it towards the end of flower. Mid flower the sweetness on this strain is just mouth wateringly good though. Ethos definitely has our attention and we will definitely be growing some of their other strains moving forward with how happy we are with this strain. 5/5 stars and a keeper in any garden.

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Candy Store Strain Review & Info (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Views: 6042

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.